Slovak Association of Social Anthropology (SASA) is a civic association in accordance with Act no. 80/1990 Coll. on citizens associations. SASA was registered on 14. 2. 2017 under registration number VVS/1-900/90-29700, originally under the name of Slovak Association of Social Anthropologists.
SASA brings together professional social anthropologists, experts from other fields who are interested in social anthropology, students of social anthropology and related disciplines, and all the other people interested in social and cultural anthropology as well.
One of the main goals of SASA is to raise awareness of social anthropology as such and of its importance to society. At the same time, SASA aspires to be a professional association that will broadly support the development of anthropology as a science, as well as an association of all the people interested in this exciting field of the social sciences.
Organs of SASA
General assembly
The general assembly is constituted by all the SASA members. Its functions include the ratification of statute and its amendments, as well as approval of other documents: action plan, annual report, budget, management report and ethical code. The general assembly elects and removes a president and comptroller, and admits honorary members.
The council is the SASA’s executive body. It manages association’s activities, prepares the action plan and annual report, prepares the budget proposal and management report, suggests admission of new members and honorary members, proposes SASA’s organisational structure and defines the membership fee for a given calendar year.
The president of SASA is the statutory body of the association. They are authorised to act in the name of SASA and to represent it. The president convenes and manages general assemblies and the Council meetings, and supervises the activities of the committees and sections of the association.
The comptroller is the supervisory body of SASA. They monitor management of the association’s property and participate in the Council meetings. Their function cannot be merged with the function of the president.
Organisational units
Regional associations
A regional association can be set up following the proposal by 20 members. The procedure includes a written request sent to the Council of SASA which approves the establishment of regional association. The members of regional association are allowed to develop their own activities and to request resources for their activities from the Council. Every regional association elects its own delegate who will participate in the SASA Council meetings.
University associations
A university association can be established following the proposal by 20 members, university lecturers and students. The SASA Council approves the establishment of a university association after it receives a written request from the members concerned. If university association develops its activities on a university campus it is necessary to request a permit from a competent academic body. Membership in a university association and membership in a regional association are not mutually exclusive.
Specialised sections
Specialised sections can be set up at the proposal of 10 members of SASA who have to write a request to the SASA Council, which then approves their establishment. Every specialised section elects its own guarantor who manages its activities.
Committees of SASA are directly involved in the implementation and organisation of SASA’s action plan. Any member of SASA can become a member of a committee. Members of the committees are proposed by the committees’ presidents to the SASA Council. Presidents of committees are appointed by the SASA president.